Bicyclists can be seriously injured when struck by a vehicle driver who didn’t notice them. Distracted driving has numerous causes, and it can lead to the person behind the wheel never seeing a bicyclist on the right side of the road or legally crossing an intersection. Vehicle drivers sometimes make a left turn in front of an approaching cyclist because they weren’t paying attention. A personal injury lawyer in Centerville, OH represents clients who were hurt in these kinds of situations. A law firm such as Business Name offers free consultations so the individual can get answers to questions and learn whether they have a good case. Click here to learn more.
Before that appointment, it’s helpful if the individual makes extensive notes on everything that happened just before, during, and immediately after the accident. Some people keep a journal or diary so they can chronicle their day-to-day progress in recovering from injuries and explain the detrimental effects the accident continues to have. For instance, they may be having trouble paying bills because they cannot work at the moment. They may be using up their savings or facing taking out a personal loan or a second mortgage. The entire set of circumstances is very stressful and is not conducive to physical and emotional recovery. The person may feel vulnerable and unable to cope with daily life. It may be reasonable to ask the insurer for financial compensation for the reduction of general well-being.
An injury attorney may use a variety of strategies when negotiating a settlement with the driver’s insurance company. For example, a personal injury lawyer in Centerville, OH may interview witnesses who were at the scene and can describe what they saw happen. These witnesses can be very valuable to the case. The driver might have protested that the cyclist made a sudden turn without signaling, but eyewitnesses may dispute that. Also, sometimes there are photos that were taken by a witness. With the advent of smartphones, these photos are becoming increasingly common. The lawyer will want to review the police report and medical documentation. The individual should bring copies of these items to the consultation if possible.