When a person faces criminal charges, they also face serious, life-altering consequences. If they’re arrested and charged, it’s only natural for them to try to defend themselves. However, Criminal Law Attorneys in Manhattan KS advise against it, as it can impair the defense. Avoid these mistakes to build a stronger case.
Waiting to Hire a Lawyer
The biggest mistake a defendant can make is to wait to hire an attorney. Regardless of the nature of the case, any criminal charge requires the experienced legal help only a lawyer can provide. Before speaking to the police or anyone else, retain an attorney.
Volunteering Information
When a person is initially accused of an offense, they’ll face numerous questions from law enforcement. Americans have Constitutional rights that allow them to stay silent until they can speak with Criminal Law Attorneys in Manhattan KS. Don’t provide samples, make statements, or allow police to search property before consulting an attorney.
Resisting Arrest
Trying to resist the police will only damage the defense and bring additional charges. When someone is arrested, the best thing for them to do is to obey police while invoking the right to remain silent.
Contacting Witnesses
With all criminal cases, it’s illegal to contact witnesses, even if intentions are pure. It’s known as witness tampering, and it can affect the defense or result in more charges. Don’t speak to anyone other than a criminal defense lawyer.
Posting on Social Media
As tempted as a defendant may be to take their frustrations onto social media, lawyers advise against it. To be on the safe side, a criminal defendant should avoid social media completely.
Hiding Information
Regardless of the case’s circumstances, it’s crucial to be forthright with the defense attorney. The only way a lawyer can provide a proper defense is if they know all the case’s details.
Final Thoughts
Just because a person is facing criminal charges doesn’t mean they’re guilty in the eyes of the law. Let a criminal defense lawyer handle the case and strive for the fairest possible outcome. By avoiding these mistakes, clients can build stronger defenses. Visit to learn more or call to request a consultation. You can join us at Linkedin.