A Basic Job Description of a Social Security Lawyer in Kent County

by | Aug 10, 2018 | Lawyers

People who have been injured and are incapable of working, whether this is a temporary issue or a long-term issue, those people may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits. In many instances, people in this situation may end up relying solely on the income that comes from Social Security disability. That makes it all the more difficult when people realize just how challenging Social Security disability benefits can be to get, even when a person qualifies for such compensation. It is one of the main reasons why people commonly seek out the help of a Social Security Lawyer in Kent County.

How they can Help

The process of filing a disability claim with the Social Security Administration can be challenging, and there are times where the services of an attorney can help a person properly fill out such documentation. However, where the services of a Social Security disability attorney come in quite handy is after the request for disability benefits has been submitted. In some cases, the process can be painful slow, and a Social Security attorney can find out where their client’s application is in the process, and in some cases, they may be to expedite that process.

Rejected Claims

Where a Social Security Lawyer in Kent County earns their keep is when there are issues with a disability claim or when a disability claim has been rejected. Unfortunately, meeting the requirements for Social Security disability doesn’t always mean that disability claims will be accepted. In these instances, a Social Security disability lawyer may petition the Social Security Administration to review the application. There are several different reviews that the attorney can ask for, and if none of those are successful, the attorney can sue the Social Security Administration on behalf of their client.

In most instances, lawsuits are seldom filed. Social Security disability attorneys understand the system, they understand the inherent problems, and they know how to work around these issues to get the best results for their clients. It doesn’t mean that they will always be successful, but if you’re facing an issue with a rejected Social Security disability claim that you feel is valid, then you may want to contact the Bleakley Law Offices P C to speak with an attorney.

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