Businesses in Dubai, either in free zones or as mainland companies, use trademarks as a way to market and brand their business, products, and services. A trademark provides a unique identifier for your business, creating an easily recognised product line to help with building a solid customer base.
In the UAE, as in the rest of the world, the first step in the process is to apply for a trademark registration. This process is controlled by the Trademarks Registration Office, with each country in the world having their trademark application and registration process. A trademark in one country does not mean the trademark is registered in another country, with international businesses often having multiple trademarks in multiple countries around the world.
Trademark Options
In the UAE for purposes of trademark registration, there are several different options. It can be a symbol or a graphic, but it can also be a word or a series of words that form a unique identifier for a product or a company. Other acceptable trademarks can include signatures, seals, symbols, inscriptions or a name, but there are specific guidelines if a name is used.
The Steps
The first step will be to complete an initial search to verify the trademark is not already in use. If it is not registered, the application for trademark registration can be processed, with all required fees and documentation. The documentation includes copies of any images, copies of Certificates of Incorporation, if required, as well as the Certificate of Trademark Registrations from any other countries.
The application will be reviewed and published for public comment in two local newspapers. If there is no written notice of opposition from the public within 30 days of publication, a certificate of registration will be issued.
In Dubai, as well as throughout the UAE, this certification of registration will be good for 10 years before renewal is required. Visit the website for more information.