When you are hurt through no fault of your own, you may not think it is fair that you should have to pay for your own medical bills and lost income. After all, you were not the one who caused your accident. Why should you have to cover the costs of your treatment and recovery?
The laws in your state may agree with you depending on the circumstances of your case. By hiring an attorney from one of the Tampa personal injury law firms, you can determine if you have enough of a legal standing to take your case to court and win.
Discussing Your Case
When you first contact one of the local Tampa personal injury law firms, you have the opportunity to schedule a free consultation with one of the available attorneys. During this initial meeting, you can talk about the specifics of your case. Your potential lawyer can find out what happened and what circumstances led up to your accident.
Based on what you tell the attorney, you will find out in this meeting if you have enough evidence to go to court. You will also have the opportunity to put the lawyer on retainer if you decide to pursue your case.
Pursuing a Settlement
Even if you have enough to go to court, you ideally may want to settle the matter as quickly as possible and may prefer to avoid going through the time and expense of a trial. You would rather negotiate a settlement that will give you the compensation that you need for your own physical and financial wellness.
Your lawyer can pursue a settlement if you want to stay out of court. If necessary, he or she can also represent you if the case has to go to trial. Your attorney can be a valuable advocate during the proceedings.