Confessions of Criminal Attorneys: Attorneys Are Always Actively Learning

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Lawyers

Criminal law attorneys have seen a lot of nefarious behavior in their days in the field. Some may not admit to some of the things they have seen, others may hide from the basic realities about criminal defense law. Many attorneys start in criminal and move to civil fields because criminal law is an effective barrier-of-entry. The cases are often smaller and they end quicker. But, there is a clear confession that all criminal attorneys would uniformly admit to: criminal attorneys are always learning. They are learning in the moment. Sitename dissects many of the realities about criminal defense law. One theme pops up, and it is the fact that no case is like another in every way, and there are always new things to learn and adapt to.

This can be concerning for individuals who want nothing but the most experienced veteran in their respective field. So what can individuals do about the fact that attorneys are always learning? The biggest protection against an attorney who has not learned enough is to work with someone who has an incredulous batting average. The time frame that they have been an attorney is not enough. An attorney could be in business for thirty years, and yet, if the attorney picks up many cases and charges an extremely low rate, they may have a bad average of success. They may try cases that are not successful for their client, and they state the low price as a possible reason.

All criminal attorneys have a batting average that they hopefully follow very closely. An attorney with three months in the field can bat 100%. Attorneys will always be learning new things as they tackle new cases and face new obstacles, but that should not dissuade clients from working with them. The fact is, they need to look at how successful they are, what is their ratio of success and, has their track record shown success with the specific charge being faced? They may have success in DWI, but not negligence. Every scenario varies, and attorneys explore their strengths and weaknesses just like any other human in any other field. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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