Criminal Law Attorneys in Cincinnati, OH May Help People Facing Legal Action for Child Support Arrears

by | Jul 4, 2016 | Lawyer

In Ohio, a parent who has been ordered to pay child support and fails to do so as directed may be held in contempt or even charged with criminal nonsupport. Criminal law attorneys in Cincinnati, OH provide defense counsel for people who need help with these matters. Being held in contempt can result in fines, suspension of the driver’s license and even jail time. Criminal charges should be taken very seriously, as this could lead to an extended period of incarceration.

Individuals who don’t pay their ordered support amount figure they won’t be sent to jail because then the custodial parent has no chance of receiving support payments at all. However, they must understand that the court might want to make an example of a parent who won’t pay child support as directed. The court system has seen too many so-called deadbeat parents over the years and wants to send a message to anyone considering defaulting on his or her obligation.

Failing to pay child support in Ohio for several weeks, even if the weeks are not consecutive, can eventually result in felony charges with the possibility of a one-year prison sentence. Even if the person spends that year in jail, the back payments are still due. If the payments are not made, another felony charge may be filed. It’s important to contact criminal law attorneys in Cincinnati, OH for assistance when someone is facing this situation. Lawyers may be able to help prevent any charges from being filed if that has not occurred yet. Ignoring the situation won’t make it disappear.

If charges have already been filed, there are some possible defenses an attorney with a law firm such as Engel & Martin may be able to use. A primary defense involves whether the parent could reasonably have been expected to pay the amount ordered. The court may review the situation and determine that lower payments are acceptable. A payment arrangement may be set up that allows the noncustodial parent to gradually catch up on the amount owed while still keeping up with current payments. Visit the website for information on this particular organization.

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