Dana Outlaw Law Office Provides the Help You Need for Your Divorce Case

by | Feb 19, 2020 | Lawyer

Divorce can be an unfortunate experience for many couples. If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage and require the services of a divorce law attorney in Lee’s Summit, MO, you may benefit from hiring an attorney from Dana Outlaw Law Office. The staff is experienced in practicing family law and will work to ensure that each party is able to receive the assets or financial assistance he/she rightfully deserves.

One of the most important aspects of divorce is child custody. It’s crucial to ensure that the children of divorced parents are in safe, happy homes and able to maintain as much of their prior life as possible (i.e. going to the same school, living in the same neighborhood). The Dana Outlaw Law Office team can help divorcing couples determine which parent should be awarded primary custody or whether parents should evenly divide child custody duties. It’s usually best to work with a divorce lawyer to determine child support payments as well. In most instances, the non-custodial parent is required to pay child support and the amounts are based on the parent’s income and the needs of the child.

Consulting with a legal team to determine how assets should be divided in a divorce is beneficial as well. An attorney can help you decide who will assume ownership of the family business or who is entitled to valuable items once the marriage has ended.

When you need a divorce law attorney in Lee’s Summit, MO, The legal team at Dana Outlaw Law Office can provide you with the assistance you need to expedite your case. Contact the law offices today for more information.

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