In Pennsylvania, medical malpractice cases are based on a doctor’s failure to provide adequate health care to a patient, which led to injuries. The failures could deem the doctor liable and require him or her to provide monetary compensation to the patient. A surgical error lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA assists patients in determining if they have a viable case.
Proving Negligence in a Medical Malpractice Case
Negligence committed by a doctor could encompass a high volume of probabilities. In surgery, an error is a negligent act if the hospital knew the doctor didn’t have adequate training to perform the procedure. The choice to allow the undertrained doctor to perform the surgery establishes the hospital’s liability.
Depositions for Medical Witnesses
Depositions are conducted by the attorney to collect information about the case. Any witnesses that saw the doctor commit the surgical error can explain the events that led to the injuries. The surgical staff could also explain if the doctor was under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. The demeanor of the doctor could also determine if the doctor was violent or made derogatory statements about the patient.
A Full Explanation of How the Injuries Occurred
The attorney secures a doctor who has the same credentials as the defendant to testify about how the injuries happened. The doctor’s training and understanding of the medical procedure enable them to show where the error started. The explanation also includes what the defendant should have done to prevent the injury. If asked, the doctor can also discuss how the injury will affect the patient throughout their life.
Assessing an Act of Malice
An act of malice indicates that the doctor’s actions are associated with prejudice or non-professional relationship with the patient. An investigation determines if the doctor had a previous romantic relationship with the patient. The findings may also indicate that the doctor refused to provide adequate care due to their own beliefs.
In Pennsylvania, medical malpractice cases start after a patient is injured unnecessarily during a surgical procedure. If the injuries weren’t listed in known risks, the doctor is liable in some cases. Patients who have sustained injuries during a surgical procedure and need a surgical error lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA can contact us right now.