When the family structure breaks down and the couple wants to get a divorce, there are many things that must be considered. There are issues of child custody, child support, domestic violence, if that is a factor, and if there is any chance for mediation. These things are all part of family law. Family law differs from state to state, and it is important to know what the laws are regarding divorces in your state. There are family lawyers in Temecula, California who will help you understand your options should be thinking of getting a divorce.
These are some of the basic rules about divorce in California that you need to understand. The first thing to know is that California is a no-fault divorce state, meaning that neither party has to show that the other party was responsible for the divorce. The couple can get a divorce based on irreconcilable differences. One of the spouses must be have been a California resident for a minimum of six months before the divorce can be filed. However, if you are domestic partners; you do not have to prove residency.
A big concern about divorces in California is that it is a community property state. This means everything that was acquired during the marriage will be divided equally, even the income. By that same token, though, all debts will also be equally divided. Concerning alimony, one spouse may be required to pay it to the other spouse; and depending on the length of the marriage, the time to pay that alimony will be divided in half, if the marriage is less than 10 years. Anything over 10 years and the other spouse will have to pay alimony until the dependent spouse can support themselves. The Law Office of Michelle Penna has been practicing family law in the Temecula, California area for over two decades.
They have experience in all areas of family law such as divorce, child custody, paternity cases and adoption. This law firm can also do mediation cases, helping families to resolve the issues before going to court. If you are in need of family lawyers in Temecula, CA, this law firm is available. You can browse the website.