Federal Drug Charges Lawyers in Lancaster County: Three Types of Charges

by | Apr 27, 2018 | Lawyers

Some crimes are handled at the local level. But when it comes to drugs, certain situations lead to federal charges being filed. When this happens, the accused runs the risk of facing severe charges that could affect the rest of their life. If there is any talk of charges being filed, it’s important to retain the services of a lawyer that can provide a solid defense and represent the best interest of the client. There are several types of federal drug charges that clients could be facing.

Drug Possession

If a person is found in possession of an illegal substance, they can be charged with drug possession. The consequences could be a fine, probation, or even jail time. Each of these penalties is enough to change a person’s life. A lawyer can work with the accused to find out what happened and what was actually in their possession. The amount that was found, as well as the drug that was found, are an important part of creating a defense. When they need federal drug charges lawyers Lancaster County residents trust the Law Office of Melissa R. Montgomery.

Drug Sale

Individuals that have been found selling drugs could also face steep federal penalties. But what happens if a person was in possession of drugs but wasn’t planning to sell them? These type of distinctions really matter when it comes to jail time. Lawyers need a clear understanding of both local and federal drug law to help clients navigate this complicated system. A solid case requires investigation and working with the client to come up with the best possible defense.

Drug Distribution or Trafficking

Distribution and trafficking involve the sale and movement of larger amounts of illegal substances. If a person is found guilty, the consequences are severe and it can be tough to ever get out from under the shadow of jail time. With help from federal drug charges lawyers Lancaster County residents can create a solid defense and attempt to avoid incarceration. Only lawyers with experience in this area of the law will truly understand what it takes to build a strong case.

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