Hire a Sexual Assault Attorney for Cases Involving Minors

by | Mar 28, 2020 | Lawyers

All sexual assault cases are stressful, and those involving children are among the most stressful and emotional. Even if an accused person is, in fact, innocent, people’s biases can make them seem guilty. When a person faces these charges, they need an attorney in San Antonio, TX to fight for their right to live a normal life. Read on to learn more about these cases.

Understanding Criminal Charges

In cases involving minors, charges range from the first to the fourth degree, depending on the incident’s details. Some of the most commonly charged offenses include:

* Second-degree assault, which occurs when a victim is less than 14 years old, and the perpetrator is four years older. Potential penalties include lengthy prison sentences and, in cases involving a defendant over 18 and a victim under 13; the defendant can receive up to a life sentence.

* Third-degree offenses, which occur when there’s contact between a child under 14 and a defendant at least four years older. Convictions can result in prison sentences of up to ten years.

A knowledgeable sexual assault attorney in San Antonio, TX will diligently work to protect clients’ rights in a range of sexual assault cases.

How a Skilled Lawyer Can Defend Clients Against Assault Charges

When forming a defense to sexual assault charges involving children, an experienced lawyer considers various strategies and chooses the one with the best potential outcome. The defenses used in these cases may include:

* The accuser’s motivation. In some divorces and domestic cases, parents may make false accusations in hopes of winning custody or keeping the accused out of a child’s life.

* Undue influence over a minor accuser. It is quite difficult to accurately question children about such sensitive matters. Often, therapists and parents ask leading questions, and in their desire to please an adult, the child may agree to things that never happened.

* Legality of the evidence. In the evidence-gathering phase, law enforcement officials must follow the laws. If they don’t, any evidence subsequently obtained will likely be thrown out of court.

If a person is charged with sexual crimes against a minor, they can trust a skilled, experienced lawyer to provide an adequate defense.

Call Today for the Strongest Possible Defense

The Law Office of Jesse Hernandez is proud to defend the residents of San Antonio, TX from charges. For more information, call the office or visit the website today.

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