If this is your first time meeting with a lawyer after your car accident, there are a few things you must know. To learn how to prep for this crucial meeting and get the most out of the experience, read on.
Schedule a Phone Call With Your Lawyer
Before meeting with them in person, call their office and ask about any documents or records they’ll need your to have on your end. Write these down, and make sure you have everything printed and ready to go in a manilla envelope. Set everything aside the night before your meeting, so you’re not rushing to collect everything the morning of. This can include your medical documents or any police reports from the accident.
Get Your Questions for Your Lawyer Ready
You deserve a qualified attorney in your corner, so make sure to do some research of your own to ensure your car accident lawyer is a good fit for you. You may ask them for references, where they went to school, and how they have handled similar cases in the past.
How to Find a Team of Qualified Car Accident Lawyers in Bellingham
However, if you’re still unsure of where to turn after your car accident, contact the team of car accident lawyers in Bellingham at Allen Law Firm. You can learn more about their qualified attorneys on their website at Sitename. Whether you’re suffering from a workplace injury, or have just been in a car accident, they can help make your voice heard.