Important Nuances of Tenants’ Rights in Chicago

by | Jul 21, 2017 | Real Estate Attorney

There are many potential issues that a tenant of an apartment complex or condominium building may have with their landlord in the Chicago area. Unfortunately, these issues are often not addressed. Even in situations where the tenants’ rights have been violated in significant ways, the disgruntled tenant may simply move on rather than seek restitution.

However, there are situations where an individual may want to consult with an attorney that understands the nuances of tenants’ rights in Chicago. They should do this to see if the situation rises to the level of civil or even criminal legal action.

Unsafe or Unhealthy Conditions

There are many instances where landlords subject tenants to conditions that are unhealthy and unsafe. Often times, tenants simply live with these issues, as long as they are not overly egregious, because they don’t want to jeopardize having a place to live. They also don’t want to have to deal with the legal hassle of concerning themselves and their landlord.

However, these situations can quickly metastasize into significant issues that compose a great deal of harm to an individual or family’s health and well-being. It’s in these situations that bringing legal or civil action against the landlord might be necessary.

Not Following Lease Terms

It is also important to understand that when an individual is being evicted, the landlord must follow certain steps set forth by the city of Chicago as well as the state of Illinois. If a person has been unfairly evicted, or perhaps the landlord has not followed the proper steps in the eviction process, there can be a legal remedy for the tenants that have been evicted. Unfortunately, unless an individual consults with an attorney that handles tenants’ rights in Chicago, they may never know whether they were treated unfairly or not.

There are many nuances to tenant rights that simply can’t be addressed in this article. However, if you are a tenant and you feel that your landlord hasn’t lived up to the legally binding lease that was agreed to, or perhaps you feel that your landlord unjustly evicted you and your family, speaking with an attorney may be the best option. Many people turn to the law firm of Starr, Bejgiert, Zink & Rowells when they wish to challenge the actions taken by their landlord.

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