It’s not always easy for the patient to know whether or not medical malpractice occurred. Doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are entrusted with the health of those who depend upon them and they are obligated to provide honest and competent care. When the patient suspects that they or a loved one could be the victim of medical malpractice, what is the next step? Is it better to wait and see what happens next or talk it over with an attorney in Manhattan, KS?
What Is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice can describe many different situations, but it’s basically a negligent or incompetent act by a healthcare professional. Some common cases of medical malpractice include:
• Surgical errors resulting from negligence, such as leaving something inside the patient or performing the wrong surgery.
• Medication errors such as prescribing or administering the wrong prescription.
• Pharmaceutical errors including giving the patient the wrong prescription or dosage.
• Inadequate follow-up care.
• Wrong or delayed diagnosis.
Not Every Bad Outcome Is Medical Malpractice
Medical professionals are required to deliver competent care. Not every wrong diagnosis, for example, is a case of medical malpractice.
When a patient is injured by a late or wrong diagnosis, an important issue would be whether or not other competent doctors would have made a correct or timely diagnosis based upon the information that the physician had at the time. No doctor is expected to be one of the best in their field, but they are expected to work at the same level as other competent doctors. Expert witnesses would be called upon to offer their opinions as to the doctor’s care. Ultimately the jury will deliver a verdict.
Patients Injured Because of Medical Malpractice Deserve Compensation
Medical malpractice laws were enacted to protect the right of a patient to seek compensation if they are injured by a healthcare professional’s negligence. These cases involve both legal and medical issues and concern many complex issues. A great deal of investigation is normally necessary. For this reason, it’s usually better to talk to an attorney sooner rather than later. It’s important to discover all pertinent evidence as soon as possible.
If you suspect that you have been injured because of medical malpractice, contact Oleen Law Firm. Anyone injured because of medical negligence is entitled to seek compensation for their injuries and damages. Get help from an experienced attorney in Manhattan, KS. To schedule a free initial legal consultation, browse the website.