Reviewing Cases with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Wetumpka, AL

by | Jul 8, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms


In Alabama, Elmore County courts provide a legal avenue for personal injury victims to seek compensations. In personal injury cases, the plaintiff’s case must prove that the defendant caused their injuries through negligence. A personal injury lawyer in Wetumpka, AL helps victims file a claim against the accountable party.

The Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is two years for all personal injury cases. This indicates that the plaintiff must start their claim before the second anniversary of their accident or the event that caused their injuries. Any failure to file forfeits the claimant’s rights to any compensation in the future.

Understanding Comparative Fault or Contributory Negligence

Comparative fault or contributory negligence indicates that the victim played a role in causing their injuries. For example, if the victim of a car accident was speeding, then they contributed to causing their accident. A patient who didn’t stop all blood-thinning medications before surgery is also negligent if they experience excessive bleeding or bleeding-related complications.

The difference in the contributory negligence ruling in Alabama and comparative fault in other states is that in Alabama, if the victim is found negligent, they cannot recover any award. In other states, the judge reduces the award by the percentage of fault that applies.

How the Law Applies to Dog Attacks

In Elmore County, the laws don’t protect pet owners through a one-bite ruling. Any dog attack case introduces strict liability for the owner. If the dog wasn’t vaccinated, then the animal control officer issues a citation demanding a quarantine period to evaluate the dog for rabies and an aggressive temperament. The quarantine lasts up to twelve days, and the owners incur the full cost of the service. The vet reports their findings to the animal control officer, and the officer determines the fate of the dog.

In Alabama, Elmore County courts evaluate the evidence presented in personal injury cases. A jury determines how much the claimant receives for their injuries and financial losses. If the claimant wins, then the defendant provides a lump sum payment. Victims who need to file a lawsuit with a personal injury lawyer in Wetumpka, AL can contact Courtney & Mann LLP right now.

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