Should You Hire a Personal Injury Protection Lawyer in North Miami FL?

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Lawyers

A personal injury, whether caused by a car accident, dog bite, or assault, can be extremely taxing on a person. When someone is injured because of another party, the victim has certain rights afforded to them under the law. Getting help from a Personal Injury Protection Lawyer in North Miami FL can make a big difference in how the process proceeds for those who have been injured.

How to Get Started on the Process

To get started on the process, individuals first need to schedule a consultation appointment with the personal injury protection lawyer in North Miami FL. Time is of the essence for meeting with the lawyer because the statute of limitations is two years in the state of Florida. If a lawsuit is filed beyond that limitation, it will be thrown out of court and the victim will lose their rights to pursue compensation.

At the consultation, the injured victim will learn about the rights they hold and how much their claim is worth. They will also discover their legal options and information on how the lawyer will be able to help them in their pursuit. The injured victim will be given time to decide if they want to hire the lawyer to help them in their pursuit.

How Will the Lawyer Help in the Process?

Getting help from a lawyer offers immediate peace of mind for injured victims. When the lawyer is hired, they take over investigating the claim and work to gather valuable evidence that will be used to hold the defendant responsible for any measurable damages they have caused.

If there is an insurance company, the injured party can expect their lawyer to go to work on negotiations. If no insurance company is involved, the lawyer will start the pursuit of the at-fault party.

Although most personal injury cases are settled outside of court, this is not always a possibility. If the lawyer feels their client is not being treated fairly, a lawsuit can be filed at any time.

If you would like further information on how a lawyer can help with your personal injury claim, browse our website. Call the office to get started on the process today.

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