Throughout your working life your employer deducts money from your earnings, a percentage of the taxes that are withheld are directed towards Social Security. Social Security benefits will be there when you reach retirement age, there is also support in the event you should become disabled prior to retirement.
In the event you become physically or mentally disabled you can claim disability benefits, millions of people do each year. They are under the impression that within a couple of months checks will start appearing, after all, these people paid into the system and the benefits should be available when they need them. Unfortunately, the system doesn’t work that way, most applicants are denied benefits. Once denied they can either turn around and forget it or they can hire a Social Security lawyer in Maryville and fight it.
Seek out a lawyer and appeal:
Many applicants make the mistake of thinking that a denial of benefits is it, the end of the line; they give up on receiving benefits that they genuinely need and deserve. Others believe they made an error of some sort and they reapply; both of these options are wrong.
Giving up or starting over are not good choices. Of the seventy percent of applicants that are denied benefits, more than half go on to hire a seasoned Social Security lawyer in Maryville and appeal the initial decision.
Don’t think that you cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Social Security lawyers do not cost you anything up front; they will represent your interests and get their fee once you are awarded benefits. Social Security lawyers work on contingency, when you and your lawyer win, your lawyer is then paid either 25 percent of the back pay you receive or $6,000; whichever is least. There are no further legal fees once this fee has been paid.
If your claim for disability benefits was denied, you can engage the professional services of a Social Security lawyer in Mayville and appeal. For a free evaluation of your case you are invited to contact the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C. Follow us on twitter.