If you have questions about supplementary security income, you need to direct them to an attorney. Doing so will make it possible for you to fully understand your rights in this regard. By taking this approach, you can apply for benefits and not worry about the outcome.
Following the Guidelines
You will find that supplementary security income law in New Bedford, MA features certain mandates that must be followed if you are interested in applying. If you believe that you qualify for this type of income, you need to start the process by submitting your claim to the Social Security Administration or SSA. While you can do this yourself, if it is better to obtain an attorney’s guidance so you can receive the benefits you need.
How SSI and SSDI Differ
Supplementary security income law is different than social security disability income (SSDI) as you are not required to have worked prior to application. The SSI program is designed to help aged, blind, or disabled people with little or no income. SSI benefits are also available to anyone over the age of 65 who does not have a disability, provided that he or she meets the financial limitations that have been established by the SSA.
Have You Been Denied?
If you want to file a claim in response to a supplementary security income law decision and already have been denied, you definitely need to consult with an attorney. Maybe you are in the appeals phase of the process. If so, you need to contact an attorney.
Speak to an Attorney Today
By taking a proactive stance and hiring an attorney, you will realize better results for any supplementary security income law claim. By speaking to a lawyer, you can learn more about the entire claims process so you can realize a more favorable outcome.
Who to Contact Online
If you would like to learn more about how an attorney can help, visit today. The sooner you take this step, the better you will feel about submitting or disputing the denial of a claim.