Family attorneys in Downers Grove deal with a myriad of cases pertaining family relationships, including issues between spouses, and issues pertaining to parents and their children. Here’s a brief rundown of some of the most common practice areas that family attorneys handle:
If you’re considering a divorce from your spouse, there’s a lot to figure out. Finances, maintenance payments, and marital property all factor into play. An attorney can help you to understand your rights and entitlements in the situation. Since dealing with a divorce can often put you under a lot of stress and emotional duress, an attorney can provide the levelheaded view on the situation that you need to order to make objective decisions and understand the important parts of the process.
As mentioned above, maintenance – or alimony payments – may be an option for you or your spouse after or during a divorce. Since every situation is different, an attorney can help you determine your rights and entitlements depending upon your particular situation.
Child Custody
Regardless of what is happening between you and your spouse during a divorce, your children deserve the highest level of love and care. The court will decide who gets custody of your child, but in Illinois, the determination rests in the best interest of the child. Consulting with an experienced attorney is the best way to navigate the situation and ensure that your children receive the safety and care that they deserve, especially if you are seeking sole custody from an abusive spouse.
Property Division
Since Illinois is an equitable distribution state, you’ll want an experienced attorney to help ensure that you do indeed receive an equal property division, advises Fay, Farrow & Associates. When it comes to martial property, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not being taken advantage of during the division process.
Though adoption is a very happy and pleasant part of family law, it can also be a very complicated legal process. If you are looking to adopt a child, you should not attempt to go through the process without legal counsel from an experienced family attorney.
This list of practice areas is not exhaustive, but it should provide a telling guide to the type of services that family attorneys offer. To serve your best interest in any of the above cases, or for inquiries about other family-related cases, you should always consult with a reputable law firm.
For expert assistance with family law, contact Fay, Farrow & Associates for a consultation on your case today.