Why Paternity Testing in Cedar Rapids Iowa Is Very Important

by | Dec 24, 2019 | Lawyer

It is important to establish paternity. It benefits the mother, father and child. If you are interested in establishing paternity, then you will need to contact a paternity attorney Cedar Rapids IA.

Strengthens Sense of Self-Identity

Studies have shown that children who have supportive adults in their lives tend to do better. Aunts, uncles, stepparents and grandparents all play an important role in a child’s life. However, children also need to have a connection with their biological parents. Even if it is not possible to have a relationship with one’s biological father, knowing who he is can strengthen one’s sense of self-identity.

Custody And Visitation

If the mother and father are not together, then paternity will need to be established before a father can be awarded visitation or custody. Mothers who are trying to get child support from the father must also establish paternity.

Establish Medical History

Your genetics can play an important role in your overall health. If certain conditions run in your family, then you will be more likely to develop them yourself. Establishing paternity will allow someone to find out what diseases they are at risk for developing.

Access to Information

Legal fathers are allowed to have access to important information about their children. This includes thing such as adoption hearings, custody hearings and criminal proceedings. Legal fathers also have access to a child’s medical information.

If you are in need of a paternity attorney Cedar Rapids IA, then you can contact Jacobsen Johnson & Wiezorek PLC at www.jjwlegal.com. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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