Contact A Sex Crime Defense Attorney In Kutztown, PA

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Lawyer

A defendant accused of a sex crime needs help because convictions result in years behind bars. Further, the defendant may be placed on the sex offender registry. This makes it hard to find a place to live and a job. Consult with a Sex Crime Defense Attorney in Kutztown PA.

What is a Sex Crime?

There are many sex crimes ranging from not so serious to very serious. A lesser sex crime would be an accusation of indecent exposure. On the other hand, those convicted of child molestation and rape are treated harshly. Child pornography is a major sex crime largely due to the internet. Selfies are popular, and most teens don’t know racy pictures are considered child pornography. These selfies end up being passed around on the internet. It’s also a crime to visit websites that feature child pornography.

Fighting a Sex Crime Charge

A sex crime defense attorney in Kutztown PA may challenge the statute of limitations in a case. It’s difficult to defend a case that happened years ago. Evidence gets lost and witnesses disappear. Each jurisdiction has its own statute of limitations. Moreover, prosecutors must prove every element of a sex crime. One crime may involve a victim’s age and lack of consent. Further, the defendant is charged with touching someone in a particular area. The defense lawyer will ask the court to throw out a charge if it’s not proven.

Reasonable Doubt

A lack of evidence makes it very difficult for the defense attorney. Attorneys challenge evidence testing and find information to help clients. At this point, the attorney creates reasonable doubt by challenging the victim’s testimony. Indeed, they look for inconsistencies between testimony and the victim’s previous statements. When this happens, it often comes down to who the jury believes most. Attorneys also have to tread lightly so they don’t appear to bully the victim.

The attorney always investigates the accuser’s background. They want to discover whether the victim had a motive to make up allegations. There are those who fabricate stories to get revenge on others. Don’t let your life be ruined by false allegations. Visit an attorney’s website and click where it says Contact us. Make an appointment today.

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